Read this the night before the SAT or ACT!
You don’t want to be thinking: I’m hungry!

It’s the day before your ACT or SAT test. Time to stop worrying and stop studying. But do read these seven simple tips.

1. Be Ready

On the night before the test, gather everything you’ll need: the admission ticket, a valid form of photo identification, several #2 pencils, a calculator with fresh batteries, a watch, and a high-energy snack. Plan to dress in layers, as the climate can vary greatly in the test centers.

2. Don’t Burn the Midnight Oil (the night before)

The best thing to do the evening before the test is to get a good night’s sleep. You’ve covered the content and you’ve perfected the skills. Be calm, rested, confident, and ready.

3. Eat a Nutritious Breakfast

Hunger pains are sure to distract you. In addition, food will provide you with the energy you need to be alert, focused, and positive during
the test.

4. Don’t Spend too Much Time on One Question

Each question is worth the same number of points. If a question is confusing or too time-consuming, skip it and move on.  You can come back to hard questions if you have time at the end of a

5. Be a Smart Guesser

If you don’t know an answer, don’t leave the question blank or guess randomly. If you can eliminate two choices you know are wrong, then it is worth making an educated guess.  But one minute at the end of the section, forget what we just said: go ahead and fill in a bubble per question until all questions are answered. If you only guess one right, that’s better than nothing!

6. Double Check the Answer Grid after Each Question

Make sure you answered on the line that corresponds with the question number.

7. Relax

Your attitude and outlook are crucial to your performance. Whether you spent enough time practicing test questions no longer matters. You are where you are. Clear your mind and know you are going to do your best. Be confident.

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